A couple songs from my favorite record by this guy, "do it now, worry bout it later," including "before the morning comes" one of the most depressing songs ever made:
Yes, I'll give you that, one of the sadist songs ever written. “Before the mornin comes”, makes me so sad when I here it, I can feel the pain. I can't listen to the gun shot at the end of the song; I turn it off right before it gets there. But I love the vocal delivery, very strong and with such emotion and of the course keys, that I can't stop listening to it. Believe it or not, my Father has told me that he wasn't depressed when he wrote this song and that he wasn't contemplating suicide. He just wanted to do the song; maybe for shock value I'm not sure. Monica Coulter
If these files open as text (.txt) files you can either: -Go to "get info" from the file menu and select open with stuffit expander instead of the text edit program (this will work for the stuffit files which are the downloads with more than one song) -If the file is just one song try changing the "txt" suffix to "mp4" Let me know if any problems persist.
I find an extremely relaxing quality about before the morning coming.
Yes, I'll give you that, one of the sadist songs ever written. “Before the mornin comes”, makes me so sad when I here it, I can feel the pain. I can't listen to the gun shot at the end of the song; I turn it off right before it gets there. But I love the vocal delivery, very strong and with such emotion and of the course keys, that I can't stop listening to it. Believe it or not, my Father has told me that he wasn't depressed when he wrote this song and that he wasn't contemplating suicide.
He just wanted to do the song; maybe for shock value I'm not sure.
Monica Coulter
What up Maurice...met you at the Attic on Wednesday...hit me up sometime...
hey mocoultersoulkinwet! thanks for the comment. i don't suppose there's any chance of an interview with Mr. Coulter?
beautiful voice, heartbreaking song
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