This is the first in my series of sample sources. This one's pretty basic, but it's one of my current favorites. Here's the original and the song that samples it- just listen up to the point that they start yappin:
If these files open as text (.txt) files you can either: -Go to "get info" from the file menu and select open with stuffit expander instead of the text edit program (this will work for the stuffit files which are the downloads with more than one song) -If the file is just one song try changing the "txt" suffix to "mp4" Let me know if any problems persist.
i have download the file and after
i rename the folder,i can't unzip the file cuz he's corrupted,can u re-up,pleaz,thanks.
Hé hé...
You can check this too !!!
What the name of the band ???
Great sample anyways !
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